EVENT ciscoConfigManEventDN . "Status Events" Normal
# use snmpget to fetch the interface description and save it as $p1, to be used it the FORMAT line.
PREEXEC /usr/bin/snmpget -v 1 -t 2 -Ovq -c snmptt $aA ifAlias.$1
FORMAT Link DOWN $2 - $p1
# OPTIONAL: do not process this event for VI interfaces (like PPPoE interfaces)
MATCH $2:!(Virtual-Access)
MATCH $2:!(Multilink)
EXEC /root/bin/sendemail.sh high traps@mydomain.com "ALERT-$s-$R-$Fz" "Agent $A at $aA reports $Fz$FnTrap $e:$D$Fn"
Note that I've created a special SNMP VIEW and community one our routers which allow access only to the ifAlias.* OID tree like so:
snmp-server view snmptt ifXEntry.* included
! note that ACL99 includes my snmp NMS only!
snmp-server community snmptt view snmptt RO 99